A new Trump administration means CNN is back to doing what it does best—finding new and increasingly desperate ways to accuse President Trump and his supporters of harboring “Nazi” tendencies. Their latest target? Elon Musk.
On Monday, CNN anchors, led by Erin Burnett, breathlessly speculated that Musk, while speaking at Trump’s pre-inauguration rally, was maybe, possibly, definitely giving a Nazi salute. The so-called incriminating footage? Musk placing his hand over his heart and then extending it outward with his palm facing down—an innocuous gesture meant to show gratitude to the crowd. Burnett, of course, left it up to her viewers to “decide” what they saw, saying, “It’s not something that you typically see at American political rallies.” Right, Erin, because we all know that nothing says “Third Reich” quite like thanking supporters.
Never one to let a good smear campaign go to waste, CNN is now looping the footage endlessly in hopes of drumming up hysteria. Their goal is clear—paint anyone remotely associated with Trump as some sort of 1930s Germany reenactor. Because, you know, policy debates are so 2016.
But the facts? Well, those are a bit less convenient for CNN’s narrative. Popular X influencer Collin Rugg quickly provided context, pointing out that Musk’s gesture came as he was thanking the crowd, saying, “My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured.” That didn’t stop the liberal outrage machine, of course, but it certainly made their accusations look even more ridiculous.
Musk himself responded in classic Musk fashion—mocking the absurdity of it all. Quoting a follower who called CNN’s coverage “the latest salvo in the network’s dirty tricks campaign,” Musk sarcastically added, “Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The ‘everyone is Hitler’ attack is sooo tired.” Throw in a sleeping emoji, and it’s clear Musk isn’t losing any sleep over this nonsense.
Andrea Stoppa, a close Musk confidant, weighed in to set the record straight. “That gesture, which some mistook for a Nazi salute, is simply Elon, who has autism, expressing his feelings by saying, ‘I want to give my heart to you,’” Stoppa explained.
Even the Anti-Defamation League—normally no friend to conservatives—chimed in, urging people to cool it with the Nazi comparisons. “Elon Musk made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute,” the organization posted on X.
The bottom line? CNN is once again crying wolf, and Americans are tuning out their tired, baseless attacks.
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