Triggered CNN Host Refuses to Accept Trump’s Record-Breaking Approval Numbers

President Trump’s approval ratings are soaring to historic highs, and it’s sending the left into an absolute meltdown. Case in point: CNN’s Kate Bolduan, who could barely contain her disbelief when confronted with the cold, hard numbers showing that Trump’s approval is higher than ever in the first month of his second term. It’s almost as if years of relentless media attacks, bogus investigations, and nonstop hysteria haven’t worked—go figure.

During a recent segment on CNN, data analyst Harry Enten dropped a truth bomb that left Bolduan visibly shaken. According to Enten, President Trump is the first president in history to have a higher net approval rating at the beginning of his second term than at any point during his first. And let’s just say, Bolduan didn’t take the news well. “I have a really hard time believing this,” she stammered, looking like she just found out Santa Claus isn’t real.

But sorry, Kate—the numbers don’t lie. Polling from Reuters/Ipsos shows Trump sitting at a net favorability of six points, a significant jump from the negative three he held eight years ago. In other words, more Americans are approving of his leadership than disapproving, something that the mainstream media swore would never happen. As Enten put it, “To borrow a Donald Trump phrase, this is big league!”

The fact that Trump’s approval is rising despite the left’s endless temper tantrums says a lot. Americans are seeing results—whether it’s his tough stance on immigration, his unapologetic America First policies, or his no-nonsense approach to the economy. Unlike the chaos of the Biden years, there’s a sense of order and strength in the White House, and people are responding positively.

But of course, Bolduan wasn’t buying it. She tried to argue that it’s not Trump who has changed, but rather how he’s being “viewed by voters.” Yeah, Kate, maybe that’s because voters are realizing that the media’s hysterical fear-mongering doesn’t quite match up with reality. And Enten wasn’t having any of it—he calmly reminded her that the numbers are “100% true,” despite her desperate attempts to dismiss them.

Meanwhile, other polls are backing up the trend. A survey conducted by RMG Research/Napolitan Institute found Trump’s approval at 57%, with only 39% disapproving. Similar results from Echelon Insights and Quantus Insights put Trump comfortably above the 50% mark, a level of popularity that must be driving the left absolutely insane.

At the end of the day, the American people are waking up. They’re seeing through the media’s lies and realizing that Trump’s leadership is exactly what this country needs. Whether the CNN crowd likes it or not, Trump is more popular than ever—and that’s got to sting.

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