President Trump Caught on Hot Mic with SCOTUS Chief John Roberts

The Far-Left, Fake-News “Lamestream Media” was at it again Tuesday night, desperately trying to manufacture a scandal out of thin air.

During President Trump’s (unofficial) State of the Union Address, a hot mic caught him shaking hands with Chief Justice John Roberts and saying, “Thank you again, I won’t forget it.”

And just like that, the left-wing conspiracy machine went into full meltdown mode.

Secret Deal? Backroom Conspiracy? Or Just… Common Sense?

The radical left immediately lost their minds, claiming that Trump’s comment was some kind of payoff for the recent Presidential Immunity ruling from the Supreme Court—a ruling that upheld basic constitutional protections and confirmed that presidents cannot be criminally prosecuted for their official duties.

Of course, the usual suspects—CNN, MSNBC, and the NY Times—ran wild with the narrative, breathlessly suggesting some dark, behind-the-scenes deal between Trump and Roberts. Because in the twisted minds of these so-called “journalists,” everything Trump does must be corrupt (unlike their hero, Joe Biden, who can sell out America to foreign countries and face zero scrutiny).

But rather than let the media run wild with their baseless speculation, Trump himself set the record straight.

Trump Corrects the Record: It Was About the Inauguration

Taking to TruthSocial, Trump destroyed the media’s narrative in classic fashion:

The Fake “Play the Ref” News, in order to create a divide between me and our great U.S. Supreme Court, heard me say last night, loudly and openly as I was walking past the Justices on the way to the podium, “thank you,” to Chief Justice John Roberts.

Like most people, I don’t watch Fake News CNN or MSDNC, but I understand they are going “crazy” asking what it is that I was thanking Justice Roberts for?

They never called my office to ask, of course, but if they had I would have told these sleazebag “journalists” that I thanked him for SWEARING ME IN ON INAUGURATION DAY, AND DOING A REALLY GOOD JOB IN SO DOING! The Fake News never quits!

Boom. Case closed.

Another Failed Attempt to Undermine Trump

The left desperately wants to delegitimize Trump’s presidency—because they know he’s winning. The economy is booming, the border crisis is finally being tackled, and the American people overwhelmingly support his policies.

So what does the media do? Invent a scandal that never happened.

Sorry, Fake News. Better luck next time.

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